Hello Everyone!
I hope you are having a beautiful day:) After a rough storm yesterday we are all sunny and warm today.

I wanted to share with you a little vignette I made. I found this glass case at a tag sale. Then collected the other pieces. I layed down some moss first and then placed them on it.
I just love these change purses. Look at that tiny one. It could only hold a few pennies. The design on the dark brown one is so pretty and I love the top one too.
The very old childs shoes, I have had a while. They are really showing their age but I think there is something very sweet about them. And a vinette just wouldn't be the same without some pearls:) I hope you can put on your pearls, special walking shoes and take your change purse along this wonderful weekend and enjoy it to the max. You men can skip the pearls unless they look fabulous on you;)'Till next time.....
~Debra XXX