Well, we had our GRAND OPENING on Saturday and was it AWESOME!!!
THANK YOU to all of you who called, commented, emailed, and stopped by to see us! You have really touched our hearts. I haven't had a chance to email back on the comments or emails but know that I have read every one and appreciate it sooooooo much!
We LOVED meeting so many fun people! We laughed all day. The feedback we got was amazing. We hope to keep a fresh look and always bring in interesting things for you. And just wait until the Holidays....we have such fun plans for the shop.

We have had "MAMA" with us for all of our shows. She is our mascot. We stood her outside to welcome everyone:) Our 'greeters' Maci and Fibi we so helpful:)
This is the outside of our window.
OK, I tried to take more photos of the shop to show it to you but this little sugar munchkin wouldn't let me without her running into the shot. Little ham!
See? We painted our 'La boutique' in the front of the shop.
We served coffee and yummy cookies from the bakery next door:)
Our counter is an old work bench. We prettied it up and it is perfect for our shop.
MMMMMMMMMMMM look at those cookies.
Lovely flowers from our friend Linda:) Thank you Linda!
Hope you enjoyed our pictures of the shop:) Thank you everyone once again:)
'Till next time.....................
~Debra xxx & Nicole