Can you stand to look at just a few more photos of Brimfield???Oh great, I was hoping you would say yes!
This is my favorite thing that I bought from Brimfield. I bought it from the Tinsel Trading Co. It is a very old head piece just packed with yummy millinery flowers.

Just look at those flowers. I put it on one of my dress forms for now but who knows where it will wind up. I just may wear it. lol

I just love looking at it. The muted colors are just so beautiful:)

Oh look, someone has more pillows on their bed than me;)

This woman is VERY talented!!!! I have to find her name to post. She had a gorgeous booth, well actually she had 3 booths - she is smart too:)Do you see those seats and the pillows in the back? Well, she sells those big squares so you can do your own thing with them. I bought 3 and they are really great. She said she will have more in September. I will be back:)

More fun things. Love the blues.

This is a great desk. It would be perfect for my lap top and it would hide all of my messy papers. I can not wait to go back to Brimfield in September. It will be the last one for the year. Then I will slowly go into withdrawal. Nicole and I may sell there next year again. This Summer is just flying by. I hope you are enjoying it:)
Well, I have to go now, I am being photographed by Don. He is threatening again that he is going to start his own blog about me. Who know where those photos will show up;)He calls me a blogging maniac. That's just crazy
'Till next time.....
~Debra XXX
Can someone help me, please. Nicole and I each have our own blog on the same blogger. When I go to follow someone it shows that she is following that person. Does anyone know how to get it so that it shows that I am the follower? Thank you:)