Come celebrate SPRING with me won't you?! Yes we woke up to some snow on the ground again this morning but the sun just came out so it should be gone very soon.

I needed some fun color in the kitchen so I went to my picked up these pretty dyed flowers. I collect silver plate vessels and arranged the flowers in three of them. I put them on the old French farm table and it looks so pretty.
Love this color blue. Will have to incorporate that into my paintings.
This Hydrangea is gigantic!!!! Gorgeous!
Yellow lilies also added just the right color for the pretty tea pot.
You know how much I love plants. That is one of Jennifer Lannes paintings. Soooo pretty. And I don't know if you know this or not but I love old cars and trucks. I had the most match boxes on my street and happily played with them daily. I saw this big truck and just knew it was coming home with me:)
I wanted to show you this awesome handmade spoon chimes. It has such a soft sound. Lots of work went into this one.
Happy happy:)
This is the little old stool that Fibi sits on when she comes over.
The photo is blurry but look how much work and pretty fabrics that went into this little piece.
More plants including Mexican oregano and a mini ficus and some of my kitchen collections. Also another one of Jennifer Lannes paintings. Just love them. They have such a charm to them:)
The top of the chestnut beams holds some pretty bottles. That is a really old dish drainer.
Oh, I am so excited to show you this house plant!!! It is a succulent that has daisy like flowers. I don't have the best luck with ivy but this one is a bit tough. So far so good.
Well, that is my spring so far inside. I hope it is getting warmer where you are. This Winter was a crazy one. So cold. I can't wait to get out into the garden and spruce it up it is such a mess.
What are you doing to bring a little bit of Spring inside????
'Till next time.....
~Debra xxx