Hey everyone:)
Well, it's snowing! Oh, yes it is. Thank you to those who did the Happy Sun Dance for me. But I'm afraid one of you...Suzanne of Old Grey Mare, with her floppin tatas may have caused all of this snow;0 (Check out her blog, she is a doll).
Anyway, you all inspire me on a daily basis. So today, I am hoping to inspire you:)
I recently found these two silver plated trays, one candle stick and a heavy little bottle. I love to mix different things together to make something really unique. This is what I did with them.

So, this is what I found.
I Gorilla glued the bottle and candle stick to the bottom of the trays for one of a kind pedestals. Soooooo simple, right?!
Look at some of the ways you can display them.
Yes, I have put a few Easter decorations out already. It's early this year you know.
A millinery hat turned upside down and filled with bright Easter eggs.
Vanilla candles in one and vintage photos in the other.
Fill them with fruit. If fruit is visible, I'll eat it over cookies;)
Of course, I put plants in everything. Why not?
PERFECT for jewelry!!!!
Well? What would you put on them?
So next time you are out and only see one candle holder or something unique for a base look for a different tray or pretty plate for your own unique piece. Why not put them together to enjoy them every day?
Now, I am on my way out to shovel the snow. Thanks Suzanne:) lol
'Till next time..............................
~Debra xxx