Photo by Suzy
Click on it to see just how beautiful it is. Just jam packed with gorgeousness! AND it was made in Paris!
I was in the kitchen and kept smelling this wonderful scent but couldn't find it. lol, It was these lillies! When I bought them they were closed up. Beautiful and they make the whole kitchen smell like Easter. I need to get some of these for the garden as soon as I find out what kind they are. Does anyone know?
OK HERE IS THE FABULOUSNESS I was talking about. WOODEN LOCKERS!!! They came out of an old School house. I have been looking for metal lockers for a while now but haven't found any that spoke to me. Well, these yelled to me from across the flea market field. They have a little shelf in the top each one and and small hooks for coats and hats. They are white and chippy. I can imagine little children putting their tiny books, pencils and coats in them. Aren't they great? Have you ever seen wooden ones before? I think once I clean them up they are going into the first floor foyer. I'll post to show you how they look when I do. Right now they are in the middle of my library so I need a plan asap;)AND look at the gorgeous Wedding Gown! I wish I had a gown like this when I got married. It is so fluffy and wonderful. It even came with extra buttons. And for $10.00 I had to bring it home;) Also brought home my weekly flowers. My favorite flower guys won't be back until next Spring. I'll miss their sunny personalities and their happy flowers:)
Old hinges and even a lock for tiny fingers.
Love how the black is coming through on this locker.
Now don't forget to head on over to Kathleen at Faded*Charm for more White Wednesday. She has the best White Wednesday bloggers. I am going to head over to visit with you too:)
'Till next time............
~Debra XXX
I just had to share this you all of you who like to burn candles. Have you tried Better Homes and Gardens Scented Wax cubes from Walmart???? $2.00 and the yummiest scents ever.
I dropped a bag of radishes and the dogs quickly ate as many as they could get a hold of. Well, lets just say I'm burnin' candles, incense and wax cubes. And they will NOT be sleeping in my room tonight;)